
Seasonal Memo

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Game description

Seasonal Memo

Cards appear face down. Hold your hand over a card until it turns over and search for the correct images. When all the matches have been found, the pictures will appear again. Concentration is required to remember which image belongs to which card. If players work together, they can find matches together. The cards lead to a conversation: what is your favourite season?
sesonal memo game tovertafel


Make the game more fun

  • Work together! Who turns the card over, who recognizes the image and who knows where the rest is?
  • Name the pictures on the cards. What else do you know about this season?


Level 5

Level 5 games focus on the part of the brain that controls executive functions. Executive function is responsible for many skills, including planning and decision making. Note: level 5 games are too challenging for people in the middle and late stages of dementia.
