The effects of playing with the Tovertafel on seniors

Games for seniors living with dementia

Together, we can improve the quality of life of elderly people living with dementia. Our games are specifically designed for our target audiences and take the needs of each player into account. They stimulate movement and social interaction, enabling us to conquer apathy. Our ‘serious games’ produce results that are real and measurable.

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With Tover Lab, you easily customize Tovertafel games with either images curated by our experts or images of your own. Draw inspiration from your residents, spark meaningful connections, and make your Tovertafel experience uniquely yours. The possibilities are endless!

Tover Lab This feature is only available on the Tovertafel 2 for Open Play & Learn subscription holders.
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Games for seniors living with dementia

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  • Pool table game

    Pool Table

    For Tovertafel 2

    Aim the ball at the pocket, shoot, and score! Players work together to get the perfect shot and celebrate wins.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Baking Bread

    For Tovertafel 2

    Fresh bread, coming right up. Mix, knead, and bake the bread. Share the deliciousness!

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Turning Tracks

    For Tovertafel 2

    All aboard! The train tracks need some fixing. Turn the right track pieces so the train can pass!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Colorful Memories

    For Tovertafel 2 | Tover Lab

    Bring players’ precious memories to life with this photo-revealing game. Simply rub until all colors are revealed!

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Reispuzzel senioren spel tovertafel

    Travel Puzzle

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2 | Tover Lab

    Complete the puzzle together and guess which recognizable location it shows. Who has traveled there?

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Masterpieces

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2 | Tover Lab

    Smash all the paint balls, enjoy the colours and create an impressive masterpiece together!

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Nostalgia Puzzle

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2 | Tover Lab

    Work together to get the floating puzzle pieces in place. Who recognises the nostalgic object?

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Leisure Memo

    For Tovertafel 2 | Tover Lab

    Turn the cards and find the two matching pictures. Which hobby is recognisable?

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Fly Swatter

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Ensure all the flies are gone so the picnic can begin! But mind the tableware.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Art Inspector

    For Tovertafel 2

    Work together to find the counterfeit artwork. Which one is different?

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Sound Carousel

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    What animal do you hear? Help each other and choose the right picture. Is that a sheep or a donkey?

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Cash Register

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    How much do the products cost together? If the answer is correct, the register will open: Ka-ching!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Luggage

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Remember which things to bring on holiday and put them in the suitcase: you're ready to go!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Music Hits

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Make music together by hitting the drum at the right moment! Which song is your favourite?

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Birthday Cake

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Celebrate players’ birthdays by decorating cakes together. Hip hip hooray!

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Sliding Puzzle

    For Tovertafel 2

    Move the puzzle pieces to the right place and solve the puzzle together!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Marbles

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Cast the marbles into the turntable. With careful timing, players can win points.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Watercolors

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Rub the picture with your hands and enjoy the appearing colours.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Molehunt

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Moles surface from the ground. The faster you push them back into their holes, the more points you earn.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Spelicoon spel bladeren Tovertafel


    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Wipe the swirling leaves off the table and enjoy the rustling. Many hands make light work!

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Flowers

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Touch the colourful flowers and share your amazement as they get bigger and bigger!

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Space

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Enjoy the twinkling stars and the soothing sounds they make when you touch them.

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Beach Ball

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Give the brightly coloured beach ball a push and pass it to other players!

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Fish

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Touch the colourful fish and water lilies and enjoy the sound of rippling water together.

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Butterflies

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Enjoy the cheery butterflies on the table. Let them sit on your hand or pass them to other players.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Soap Bubbles

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Pop the soap bubbles with your finger or whole arm and enjoy the popping sound!

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Kites

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Follow the colourful kites as they hover and touch them to make them dance around.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Bird Feeder

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Touch the food and watch the birds hop around and eat. You can also pet the birds!

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Spinning Tops

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Tap the colourful wooden tops to make them spin! Pass around or try to hit another spinning top.

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Game Evening Lights

    Evening Lights

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Reveal dancing lights and colours with every move. Enjoy the calming spectacle.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Sayings

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Discover parts of phrases and finish the sentence together. Who knows how the saying goes?

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Rhymes

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Touch the feather and the beginning of a nursery rhyme appears. Finish it together: Roses are red...

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Music Box

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Touch all the musical notes together and find out what comes out of the music box when it opens!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Sheet Music

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Reveal the most beautiful pieces of music by touching as many musical notes as possible.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Sensory
    • Level

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  • Wordsmith

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Guess the missing letter of the word together and practise language skills in a playful way.

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Hobby Sets

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Freely associate and create a set of two hobby objects that belong together. Teamwork allowed!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Sport Sets

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Freely associate and create a set of two sports objects that belong together. Teamwork allowed!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Soccer

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Pass the ball to each other with your hands or feet, and cheer when someone scores a goal!

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Rummy

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    What number is missing in the sequence? Play this recognisable board game and challenge each other!

    • Effect

      • Cognitive
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Kitchen Garden

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Sow the seeds together and make sure they get water and sun. Who used to have a vegetable garden?

    • Effect

      • Sensory
      • Social
    • Level

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  • Silverware

    For Tovertafel 1 & 2

    Polish silverware by rubbing each piece. Enjoy the beautifully laid out table together.

    • Effect

      • Physical
      • Social
    • Level

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    Stimulate adults with an intellectual disability at their own level and promote social interaction.

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